Mar 5, 2011

How do you find your true calling?

How do you find what it is you are meant to do with your life?
1. Know yourself well:
understand the package that you are, the weaknesses, strenghts, likes, dislikes, talents, faults..
2. Get some good advice:
what's out there?
3. Experiment, experiment, experiment:
keep on trying different things until you find what really feels right for you
4. develop a thicker skin so you can turn rejection into experience
5. Find a mentor or role model
6. Do what you love to do.
If you can't, make what you're doing a strategy to get you doing what you want to do
7. Have a realistic game plan and stick to it, no matter who or what says you can't
8. Prioritize
9. Be yourself..if Mario Teguh said.."Be your super self" :D

You make your own luck!

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